Filtered by selected oncolytic virus
Human and Oncolytic virus Protein-Protein Interaction
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Thomas Dandekar
Elena Bencurova
Rana Salihoglu
Cochrane Library - The Cochrane Library is a reputable online resource for evidence-based healthcare research and systematic reviews.
DrumpID - The DrumPID database is a comprehensive resource offering customized information on drugs and their protein networks, including indications, targets, and side-targets, making it invaluable for drug development, predicting side-effects, and studying structure-activity relationships.
Europe PMC - Europe PMC is a valuable online platform for accessing a wide range of biomedical literature and research articles, facilitating easy access to scientific information for researchers and healthcare professionals.
Convert Peptide to Smiles - The NovoPro Labs peptide-to-SMILES string conversion tool provides a convenient online resource for converting peptide sequences into simplified molecular input line entry system (SMILES) notation for chemical structure representation and analysis.